How to get more views on Youtube for Free!!

Okay guys, so I am excited to tell you how to get Youtube views for free and this website is currently helping my new gaming channel. See the thing is...when you make videos, it has to always be about what people are actually looking for. Some people think it is just about posting some random video, but you need to make sure you title it correctly and also add tags because these views will help you start ranking up for those tags and then people start finding your video more organically. So I am going to give you an example of the correct way to Publish a Youthbe video and I will give you the site where you can get all the views you want. There's actually 2! They both are amazing and have been used by the most successful Youtubers!

So, if you use the Youtube search bar, you'll see many suggestions popping up. People are always searching for Titles of things, right? So let's say you want to do a video on the game "Clash of Clans", you would make sure that is in your Title along with your Brief Title Summary. So, your Title would be "How To Always Win Clash of Clans"or "Winning Every Round - Clash Of Clans". Then you make sure to put your main keyword which is "clash of clans" first and the rest of your keywords would be-> clash of clans hack,
clash of clans movie,
clash of clans town hall 8,
clash of clans animation,
clash of clans super troops,
clash of clans town hall 9

You see how all your keywords have the main keyword in it? That's going to help Youtube see that it is clearly a "Clash of Clans" video. So once you do that and upload it, you are going to add your Video title here after signing up and everything. Once you are in your account and you have plenty of credits whether you have liked others things or you purchased credits, click Add New Exchange, Add Default Exchange and then use the drop down menu to select "Youtube Video Views". 
The CPC is how many credits you will be allowing people to receive for watching your Youtube video(s), so make sure you are being fair! 15 Cpc is decent and you can boost it as well. Getting Premium which makes people view your videos longer(good for watchtime) is easy because all you do is look at other people things. You will see that it is a lot of ways to earn credits with different social media sites. Instagram,Pinterest,Etc. 

Your video will start getting viewed immediately and you're going to fall in love with this site. Having a video that is tagged the way I showed you and pushing in views is going to have you pulling in organic traffic to your videos pretty easily. It is not hard or too technical like most people try to make it seem. As you can see, as long as you have a clear understanding, you're good to go. Let me know how it goes. 

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